Thursday, April 22, 2010

AAC- Thinking (and thinking, and thinking...)

No matter how much I think about, or try to understand, the experience of being adopted- I so often land at this one "conclusion"...

"No one is coming back for you, Joy."

No one is coming back for you.


  1. As a mother who lost her only child to adoption, let me tell you, Joy, the only reason that no one is coming back for you is because the mother who bore you was terrorized. She loves you, she misses you, and losing you was like losing an arm or a leg, she will never get over it. Your mother was threatened and intimidated and told that her only role was to disappear. She would have come back for you but she would have been driven away, jailed, locked up as insane.

  2. Anonymous- thanks for your words. I know it's all true. Whenever I talk to Maria, my natural mother, on the phone, we hang up by saying "I love you." How strange, and familiar, it is! Meanwhile, in daily life, some "little me" inside keeps waiting. I know, in some shape or form, she is frozen in time, too.
