Monday, April 5, 2010

AAC- "the Outsiders"

Attendees at the recent American Adoption Congress conference included a small number of non-triad-membmers. One of these folks identified herself to me as "an Outsider". The "Outsiders" in attendance were interested, concerned professionals seeking to learn more about the adoption experience.

"If the only ones advocating to abolish slavery had been the slaves, we would still have slavery," the Outsider explained. Her assertion was quickly recognized by AAC veterans, who now plan to reach out to more outside professionals- such as counsellors and attorneys- to strenghen the advocacy movement.

I learned that a few attendees were of the opinion that Ousiders did not belong at the at AAC conferences. Given the highly personal nature of conference sessions, it's understandable that some may feel vulnerable and uncomfortable with people "outside the loop" present. However, I have the impression that this group is a minority, and I speculate that it has much to do with where an individual is at on her/his healing journey.

"Outsiders" were my earliest champions in my search for self. They were, in fact, my only confidants early on. I can't imagine having made my journey without them. My Outsider support network, comprised of both mothers and non-mothers, instinctively understood the devastating problem of separating mother and child. Their support provided a unique validation that the "preacher and the choir" could never impart.

I personally send my deepest thanks to all of the "Outsiders" whose compassion leads them to learn about adoption issues and take the time to engage in advocacy

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Joy. I was an "outsider," as well. or at least someone on the fringe... i'm a spouse of an adoptee and i was quite surprised that there wasn't much support in the way of addressing the unique issues for us "fringe" meembers. i firmly believe that adoption affects more than just the triad members. it affects families and generations.
