Thursday, February 3, 2011

Advocacy Opportunity for Birthparents

**Important Advocacy Opportunity for Birthparents

*American Adoption Congress is asking everyone to circulate word about this important project (info below) via all available channels- social media, blogs, web sites, fliers, word of mouth, etc. Feel free to copy the verbiage for your postings-

Those who oppose open access to original birth certificates for adoptees claim that birthparents will be harmed and that they were promised anonymity. To counter this, Oregon collected the names of 500 birthmothers who signed a petition favoring access and then published the list as a full page ad in a Seattle newspaper. Many attribute this long list of names in changing public opinion in Oregon. In the wake of a media firestorm created by Oprah's reunion with her sister, American Adoption Congress has an on-line petition for birthparents to sign in support of access. Here is the link, and please add your name only one time.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for posting this. AAC now has almost 675 names on the list, with NO duplicates. Let's keep it going to 1000.
