Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Bumper Sticker

(*A follow-up to my entries on Clonebeing. After receiving the great comments from the book's author, Stephen Levick, I've come to discover his web site- do check it out-

I saw a brightly colored bumper sticker on a car in the parking lot yesterday that said, "Adoption is Awesome". My reaction was, "No it isn't. What the hell are you talking about?" followed by, "Who/what could this be an advertisement for?"

Later I met an aquaintance in the parking lot and learned that it was her car. She's a great person- outgoing, cheerful, creative- and we had a fun chat. My wheels kept churning afterwards...

I know Allie and her husband are adoptive parents to at least one of their children, and I know this because they are white and their son is black. I wondered about what meaning/s the sticker might hold for her? What is she expressing? I guessed about possibilities...

1. She loves her kids like crazy. (she does)
2. She's not hung up about being an adoptive mom and wants to express her enthusiasm- adoption has been a wonderful experience for her.
3. She wants to say, "Yes, as you can see, my son is adopted. It's a great thing for us."
4. She works with a group or agency who facilitate adoptions and she has mostly positive associations with adoption.

I don't want to presume where she's coming from, but I do wonder if she gave consideration to how birthmoms and adoptees might respond to the sticker. If so, how did she resolve that it would be a good thing for all?

I'm glad she couldn't hear the "What the f&@!" in my head earlier.


  1. Ever since I was little (32 years ago, people always taught us that adoption is good for everyone involved. It is only the last 3 years that I am hearing other opinions. I happened to pick up a very old Rollin' Stones magazine featuring a article by Bastard Nation, that gave me a jump-start on looking into the situation. I am trying to listen and learn now.

  2. For gosh sakes, everyone but you knows that adoption is good. don't be a crybaby. You probably had a darn good childhood, a heck of a lot better than most.
